Samstag, 29. September 2012

If you're curious what I'm doing... Read a preview of my book!

Well, here I am again.
It's been a while now, but I've got some great news: I installed the newest Macintosh operating system, and I'm enjoying out the Siri dictation feature - guess how I made this post. ^^

Before we get to the juicy part of this post, I am saying that I've made a shortcut - just a few lines - you'll get goosebumps!

In my romance language, there hasn't been much progress, I have been- again - tinkering about an authentically Vulgar Latin declension...

On the Mac side, Mountain Lion is fantastic. The dictation feature is working in Spanish (in my special pronunciation of ll), English, and German. And the Facebook integration has to be tested yet...

Now we come to the interesting part. Note that I am not naming any persons *here* from my book.

The action takes place on a class trip - the introducing sentence plays in a hostel, then the action moves outside of the building. Note: ω is a lower-case omega (the last letter of the Greek alphabet)! 

„How can you allow him to leave the room? I don‘t feel the best today. I am tired too, but I don‘t want to make a hoopla out of it!“ She yells at me. The same moment I feel the prickling of my arm, like yesterday.

I run out the hostel, run up a hill and go up another. I feel so bad that I choke and throw up, with blood. 
A stroke of pain rushes through my body, much stronger than yesterday. I grip my chest - my heart seems to explode.

I shriek. The same moment I feel my face lifting off my skull, especially the area around my nose is burning awfully.

This yields another shriek: „Oh my God, I‘m gonna die!“ The same time my throat is thickening, feels as if it's swelling.
Where I previously stood I crouch and stumble on the ground - almost suffocating. I see the full moon: A silver shining disk surrounded by foggy clouds.

Now it becomes clear to me: I sat near a window while preparing the poster, so the ω-radiation could initiate the transformation... - another rush of pain interrupts my thoughts...

Just a few lines so you get the idea - I hope you like it. I'll get you to see more on Halloween... You will be scared as hell... :-D

In the holidays I will be publishing a new Youtube video. I'll review OS X Mountain Lion, Parallels Desktop 8 and some more things.

Stay hungry, foolish, and tuned!

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