Sonntag, 29. April 2012


OK, I've diverged from my iLog style, but I'm stepping back into it.

iLog - April 29, 2012


I have juggled with the idea of increasing the number of chapters in my book to seven. I'll do it.
I'll do it because of the relatively short storyline (8 months) and it's better to accommodate the titles to the occurring events in the book. I have the titles, but I have to sketch down some dates.

Lingua Romanica

I have scribbled down a true latinate neuter for my "replacement Latin", seemingly switching genders whether it's singular or plural (having endings in -o in the former and in -a in the latter case). I've kept the situation that neuter singular endings are built from masculine singular accusative (or in this case, directal [combined accusative and ablative]).
And I currently reorganize my scribbling pad, as I use it to rapid prototype my whole grammar book before I transfer it into my iMac - using iBooks Author, making already the preview a perfect product - with just few corrections.

So, that's it for now - stay hungry, stay foolish, stay tuned!

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Back on the Line

Phew... I was away - I spent my holidays in Poland - and had no sufficient access to the internet.
At least, I've got to tell you some things.

I   I finally brought the official biography of Steven Paul Jobs four days ago - I'm almost through it (over 620 pages).

][  My selfmade Romance has got a major overhaul - again - in grammar. I've taken a look at the "inspiring spark" - Wenedyk, a constructed alternative language: If Polish became Romance...
So I have stripped a couple letters off the "oblique" case and shuffled around in the "directal" case.
I began the work on personal pronouns and interrogatives (that is - words for asking a question).
Also, the first small batch of (general) vocabulary is coming to paper - categorized.

/// My book has gained only a couple of lines - nothing special is going on there. It is so boring I don't want to proceed, even if the best part of the first chapter is just ahead.
Also, I've been reckoning to break up the tree chapters into a total of seven... maybe.

This was four days ago.

Today Lingua Romanica might get an additional declension class - the neuter would become a sole class, inheriting classical Latin neuter endings (u or o in singular, a in plural), the "neuter class" up to now would become a general class for all genders (actually, that's what it is now anyway), a kind of "consonant" class like in Latin. But for this, I've got to get feedback from other conlangers.
Why a fourth class? Because Spanish and Italian have a class ending in -e, which is used for all genders.

And Lingua Romanica will be related very closely to Latin, Spanish and Italian, no matter how much I will work on making it different from actual Romance languages.
Furthermore, I have tinkered about incorporating some Greek and Slavic (Polish) elements.

I have been thinking about giving my language a proper place - in a different world.
It would be used as a de-facto standard language in Italy and Spain, where the emperors of 10th-century Europe have agreed on thee Romance languages to be used as a substitute for Latin and the local forms of Vulgar Latin. And where Poland was not too weak to fight against the Germans in later centuries, forming a commonwealth with Lithuania, Czech territory (then Bohemia) and a part of the Ukraine and fighting successfully against their enemies.
I got the idea while creating a map of western and central Europe for an old strategy game.
What a plan...

Stay hungry, foolish and tuned!