Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Back on the Line

Phew... I was away - I spent my holidays in Poland - and had no sufficient access to the internet.
At least, I've got to tell you some things.

I   I finally brought the official biography of Steven Paul Jobs four days ago - I'm almost through it (over 620 pages).

][  My selfmade Romance has got a major overhaul - again - in grammar. I've taken a look at the "inspiring spark" - Wenedyk, a constructed alternative language: If Polish became Romance...
So I have stripped a couple letters off the "oblique" case and shuffled around in the "directal" case.
I began the work on personal pronouns and interrogatives (that is - words for asking a question).
Also, the first small batch of (general) vocabulary is coming to paper - categorized.

/// My book has gained only a couple of lines - nothing special is going on there. It is so boring I don't want to proceed, even if the best part of the first chapter is just ahead.
Also, I've been reckoning to break up the tree chapters into a total of seven... maybe.

This was four days ago.

Today Lingua Romanica might get an additional declension class - the neuter would become a sole class, inheriting classical Latin neuter endings (u or o in singular, a in plural), the "neuter class" up to now would become a general class for all genders (actually, that's what it is now anyway), a kind of "consonant" class like in Latin. But for this, I've got to get feedback from other conlangers.
Why a fourth class? Because Spanish and Italian have a class ending in -e, which is used for all genders.

And Lingua Romanica will be related very closely to Latin, Spanish and Italian, no matter how much I will work on making it different from actual Romance languages.
Furthermore, I have tinkered about incorporating some Greek and Slavic (Polish) elements.

I have been thinking about giving my language a proper place - in a different world.
It would be used as a de-facto standard language in Italy and Spain, where the emperors of 10th-century Europe have agreed on thee Romance languages to be used as a substitute for Latin and the local forms of Vulgar Latin. And where Poland was not too weak to fight against the Germans in later centuries, forming a commonwealth with Lithuania, Czech territory (then Bohemia) and a part of the Ukraine and fighting successfully against their enemies.
I got the idea while creating a map of western and central Europe for an old strategy game.
What a plan...

Stay hungry, foolish and tuned!

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